Monthly Parking
Advanced Parking manages over 90 locations in Vancouver
If you park regularly at the same location, monthly parking may be right for you.
Advanced Parking manages over 90 locations in Vancouver
If you park regularly at the same location, monthly parking may be right for you.
Great Savings
Money in your pocket when you choose monthly over daily parking rates
In / Out Privileges
Set your own schedule and come and go from your parking location as you please.
Never Forget a Payment
Add your payment details to have your parking bill processed automatically each month.
When you sign up for Impark monthly parking, you’ll gain access to our self-serve website that enables you to easily manage your account online. You’ll be able to:
Convenient Answers to Common Monthly Parking Questions
To access your account for the first time, call 1.888.909.3787 to have our friendly staff configure your online access. If you already have a user name and password, log in to your account here.
The following account management options are available on our monthly parking site:
Call us at 1.877.909.6199 to have a friendly team member re-set your password
Only publicly accessible lots currently offering Monthly Parking are displayed on Lot and Map Search. Some lots may only offer hourly parking or may be restricted to Residential or Business Tenants only. Please select the nearest location to your search or contact us for alternate lots that may be available
Your monthly parking pass / permit is valid only at the lot associated with your account. If your parking arrangement includes a parking device such as a mirror hang-tag or decal, the lot number is generally included on that device.
NB: Please note, per your Monthly Parking Terms & Conditions, your mirror hang-tag or decal must be face-up and visible through your windshield at all times while your vehicle is parked in your assigned Monthly Parking lot.
While every effort is made to ensure space will be available, occasionally an event in the area may unexpectedly fill a lot to capacity. If on occasion your lot is full, please contact our Customer Service Department at 1.877.909.6199 and our staff will advise you on temporary alternate arrangements.
Yes, we have easy-to-use validation systems for business owners whereby all or a portion of a customer’s parking fee can be reimbursed or deducted from the customer’s parking fee. These systems include easy-to-use pre-paid validation coupons or reimbursement programs. For further information regarding our validation programs, please contact our office.
Per your Monthly Parking Terms & Conditions, a Monthly Parking contract is not transferable. Your friend or co-worker should contact us directly at 1.877.909.6199 or click here to set up their own Monthly Parking account.
As long as we receive your cancellation notice by the 7th day of the month, we’ll cancel your parking on the last calendar day of that month. Cancellation notices received after the 8th will be cancelled 30-days later.
Our customer support team is ready to answer your questions Monday thru Friday, 8 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (PDT).